news / topics























1. 飲料水:人間が生存するために最も重要な物資。少なくとも1人あたり1日3リットルを7日分。

2. 非常食:缶詰、乾燥食品、レトルト食品などの長期保存が可能な食料。

3. 医薬品と衛生用品:救急セット、常備薬、衛生用品(トイレットペーパー、生理用品など)。

4. 懐中電灯と電池:停電時に必要な照明。

5. 予備の衣類と防寒具:気候に合わせた衣類やブランケット。

6. 携帯電話の充電器:手回し充電器や太陽光充電器など。

7. ラジオ:情報収集用。

8. 現金:ATMやカード決済が使えない場合に備えて。





Arakawa River Breach (Tokyo 23 Wards)

January 5, 2024

On New Year’s Day 2024, a major earthquake struck the Noto region in Ishikawa Prefecture. Our thoughts go out to those affected by the earthquake, including their families, relatives, and associates. We sincerely hope for a swift recovery.

It’s important to recognize the risks that could affect the Tokyo metropolitan area where we live. Being aware and prepared to protect lives is crucial.

Natural disasters are unpredictable, with major ones occurring at least once every few decades. Recently, we’ve seen not only earthquakes but also an increase in large typhoons and sudden heavy rains due to environmental changes.

Particularly in the Tokyo 23 wards, the most feared disasters are a direct earthquake under the capital and a breach of the Arakawa River. The breach can occur due to heavy rain or a major earthquake. We’ll focus on the breach of the Arakawa River.

Crisis Management during Arakawa River Breach: Risk and Measures in the Koto Delta Region

Are you familiar with the term “Koto Delta Region” of Tokyo? It’s an area lower than the surrounding rivers.

Areas like Koto Ward, Edogawa Ward, Sumida Ward, Katsushika Ward, and Adachi Ward would be directly affected by a breach of the Arakawa River. These areas, at sea level zero, are known for high flood risks. We’ll consider evacuation routes and appropriate housing construction responses for residents in case the Arakawa River overflows its banks.

Importance of Evacuation Routes

Developing an evacuation plan is essential. Utilize flood hazard maps to confirm evacuation routes for each area and share them with family and community. In low-lying areas like the Koto Delta, water levels can rise rapidly. It’s vital to know the locations of high ground and public shelters in advance to act quickly.

Housing Construction Measures

Risk mitigation in housing construction is next. When building a new house, the risk of the Arakawa River breaching might not be considered. However, checking hazard maps and thinking about what kind of house to build in light of potential disasters is crucial. Wood construction is popular, but wood houses are prone to being washed away during floods. Raising the yard and having a higher, sturdy concrete foundation can reduce risks. Enclosing the exterior with concrete walls also helps, although there are limits, especially in areas where damage can reach 5-10 meters. In such areas, RC (reinforced concrete) houses, which are durable and stable, are recommended. Considering flood risks, building three stories or higher is effective for safety. Using the lowest level for parking or storage and having living spaces on upper levels can minimize damage in case of floods. RC houses are heavy and robust, offering protection against earthquakes and fires.

The breach of the Arakawa River’s banks is a serious threat to the Koto Delta area. Residents must check evacuation routes in advance and consider flood risks in housing construction. These measures are vital steps in protecting lives and property from natural disasters. Individual preparation and community efforts are essential for a safe future.

Here are the official website links for the wards around Arakawa. They provide important information about the area, disaster prevention, and evacuation routes.

Koto Ward Official Website

Edogawa Ward Website

Sumida Ward Website

Katsushika Ward Website

Adachi Ward Website

Accessing these sites can provide essential information on appropriate actions during Arakawa flooding and other disasters. They might also have information on regulations and guidelines for new housing construction.

Finally, a common factor in earthquakes and floods is the need for stockpiling. In densely populated urban areas, it takes considerable time for relief supplies to arrive. Here are some essential stockpile items:

1. Drinking Water: The most critical supply for survival. At least 3 liters per person per day for 7 days.

2. Emergency Food: Canned, dried, and retort food with long shelf life.

3. Medicines and Hygiene Products: First aid kit, regular medication, hygiene products (toilet paper, sanitary products, etc.).

4. Flashlights and Batteries: Needed for lighting during power outages.

5. Spare Clothes and Cold Weather Gear: Clothing and blankets suitable for the climate.

6. Mobile Phone Chargers: Hand-cranked or solar-powered chargers.

7. Radio: For gathering information.

8. Cash: In case ATMs and card payments are unavailable.

9. Portable Gas Stove

These stockpile items are the minimum necessary for life in a shelter and should be supplemented according to individual needs. It’s also important to regularly check and replace perishable items.

Our company recommends the most suitable housing for each area, with various ideas depending on the budget. “Houses that protect lives” were once considered an exaggeration, but are now deemed essential. In the Tokyo 23 wards, especially around Ar akawa, including Koto, Edogawa, Sumida, Katsushika, and Adachi wards, we highly recommend RC (reinforced concrete) houses. For other areas in the Tokyo 23 wards, RC houses are advisable to prepare for post-earthquake fires. In the case of wooden or steel-framed houses, exterior siding should be fire-resistant (for at least one hour, 45 minutes), but in dense areas, fire may spread for longer. Understanding the conditions of the building site is crucial. Now is the time to consider construction that won’t be swept away or contribute to spreading fires, thus protecting lives.